website design
logo design
business consulting


: to behave in a very unconventional, independent, uncontrolled, or unauthorized way that ignores rules, norms, or expectations
website design

Our Philosophies

We get it no-one reads anymore.

We live in a digital world where everyone wants everything instantly. Fast food, fast fashion, fast furnishing, and fast websites. The soul of the internet is dead, every site looks the same: the same WordPress plugin on ten thousand sites has been beaten to death and the same Shopify plugin on one hundred thousand more.

Let's face it, Wordpress sucks. It was launched in 2003. Do you even remember what mobile device you were using to look at websites in 2003? Neither do we. Wordpress is used for 44% of the internet in 2022. Let that sink in. When was the last time you went to a store and nearly half of the store was the same item? Now, when was the last time you went to the store and picked out a product from 19 years ago? 

Here’s a secret: SEO tagging hasn’t been a thing in years. It is a common misconception that you need a list of tags or keywords on your website to sit higher in Google results. This is inaccurate. Anyone who develops websites will be adding titles, alt attributes, as well as image and video descriptions to your backend to help Google to index your site. But NO ONE has control over where their site sits in Google search results. If anyone claims to be able to influence these rankings, they’re scamming you. 

We are at a moment in time where your website is the very real storefront of your customer journey and the single most important factor in your digital presence. Studies abound showing that a customer has already formed a permanent opinion of your site within the first few seconds of visiting it. 

We build every single site from scratch using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and SQL as our tools. Like the craftspeople of a bygone age, we create every single project to fulfill your vision. We are fully in-house full-stack developers, which means we never outsource, period. We custom code our own Javascript and database systems specifically tailored to your exact situation. We are the tailored suit in a mall filled with factory produced t-shirts. We are unicorns. 

We shoot our own media, we edit our own media, and we program our own code. We build our own unobtrusive, speedier versions of site analytics and spam filters, so no need for Google Analytics or Recaptcha clogging up your bandwidth. If you want it done perfectly- do it yourself. And (if you couldn't tell) we are at our very core perfectionists.

We will offer insight and support you throughout the entire process of designing your dream site. We know what drives SEO and clicks (and trust us, it's not keywords). We are relevant and we are modern, but most of all we are unique in a world of contrived sites, bad templates, and loads of misinformation. Pinky promise.

What is it that makes people fall in love with a brand? Is it a cool typeface? Colors that pop? A logo that produces nostalgia? Honestly, anyone can have a great product. But a great brand is what drives people to come back again and again and again. 

Good branding is more than a set of guidelines for you to follow. It is the creation of a community. In 2023, every single person you interact with is craving intimacy. They want to feel a connection to their product or service. They want something that goes beyond the tangible. Your branding is the invitation.

In the age of Canva and everyone “designing” their own logos, the idea of branding might seem like a silly thing to be pedaling. But good branding can be the difference between someone deciding to purchase your product/service over the hundreds of others in the same market. Good branding creates loyalty just like good experiences create return visits. We all want to go back to places that astound us. And we all want to keep buying products and services that make us feel valued. 

If you’d like to set yourself apart from the plethora of cookie cutter brands out there, let’s cook something up together. The dark side is much more fun.

Humans love imagery, whether static or moving pictures. Visual elements create emotions, and we all want to feel something. Since photography and videography are art forms, they can be polarizing- just like all art. We have strong opinions on what constitutes a good photo and a bad photo, but we’re not here to wax poetic on that. 

What do you want people to feel when they think about your brand? Let’s convey that.

Consulting kind of seems like a joke. Why on earth do folks pay money for information from other people? Well, if Google is not your friend and you don’t want to dig through the dredges of the internet to learn everything you need to know about anything related to marketing, give us a shout. We happily give out valuable information stored in our brains for money. 

Do we like social media? Not really. Do we personally participate in social media? Occasionally. Do we think that social media can help your business in 2023? Absolutely. 

With 4.32 billion people browsing the internet on their mobile devices and 4.74 billion people using social media, it certainly cannot hurt your business to participate in this internet phenomenon. Creating profiles on social channels not only helps your business appear higher in search engine listings, but it establishes your presence on platforms that could potentially expose you to new audiences. 

There are A LOT of pieces to social- profile creation and optimization, reviewing insights and metrics, creating paid ads, messaging, the use of hashtags, posting cadence, geolocation tools, content creation, blah blah blah. We may not love social media, but we are good at it. We’ve managed around 25 social media accounts since opening in 2019 and we’ve built many of them from the ground up.

We are not going to give you a bunch of useless templates, directions on how to create a viral video, a database of stock imagery, and thousands of followers via bot farms (but if you’re looking for that, you can simply google ‘social media strategy near me’). We are going to tell you what’s cringe, be brutally honest, and correct your spelling. So put on your seatbelt. 

We don’t believe in buzz words or bullshit. Too many agencies give you quotes with miles of fluffy words and lofty promises. Marketing is not magic, and we are not magicians. We build websites, brands, and make things pretty. We hate acronyms (KPI, ROI, CTA) and articles talking about ‘market disruption’. We are creatives. We have big imaginations and like to exercise them. And when we see a good move, we look for a better one.  


: foolish insolent talk


: something unusual, rare, or unique

Recent Projects

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Vital Choice Seafoods

puget sound marketing

Tom-N-Jerry's Boatcenter

#WebDesign #Social #Media #LogoDesign #PrintAds #GoogleAds #BrandDesign
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Girls Rugby

#Social #Newsletter #Consulting #Media
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JR Nutrition

#LogoDesign #Consulting
brand logo


#Consulting #PrintAds #ProductPackaging #BrandDesign #LogoDesign
logo design for dealership

Master Marine Boat Center

#WebDesign #Social #Media #LogoDesign #PrintAds #GoogleAds #BrandDesign
logo design for dealership
logo design for art gallery
logo design for mulch yard

The Mulch Yard



: a person skilled in a utilitarian art, trade, or craft, especially one requiring manual skill
Kayla Ferguson Founder

Kayla Ferguson

I’d like to think I’m memorable, but who doesn’t want to think that? I laugh really loudly, have strong opinions, and am not afraid to talk to anyone. I’m a bilingual (Spanish/English) artist, writer, and outdoor enthusiast. Hiking, running, climbing, and being in the mountains or on trails is my jam. I also spend a significant amount of time cooking, baking, reading, and knitting when I’m not at my computer. Common sense is a commodity and I’ve got a lot of it. Let’s make cool shit together.

Earl Hay Co-Founder

Earl Hay

Lifelong PNW resident by day, full stack developer by...well, I guess it's usually daytime still. My hobbies range from drones, 3D printing, metal fabrication, TIG welding, and scuba diving to racecar building, crafting computers, and machine learning. I have a fascination with all things tech-related, both mechanical and electrical. My list of references, certificates, coding languages, and degrees is longer than my TKL mechanical keyboard. If you can dream it, I can build it.

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